Watercolour supplies

Following are the basic watercolour supplies required for regular weekly classes:

 * Arches 140lb cold press or rough watercolour paper (the most important supply)

(a few smaller pieces of the same to test colour)
* Cardboard or coraplast (think election signs) to mount paper
* mechanical pencil and soft eraser                                                                                        

* masking or painters tape
* paper towels or soft cloth to blot brush

* covered palette for paints

* graphite paper (optional)
* #5  & #10 round watercolour brush
* #2 round brush
* 1/2″ flat brush
* #1 or #0 script liner
* quality (Winsor Newton Artist Grade) watercolour paints
(basic colours – Cobalt Blue, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, Permanent Rose, Diox Violet, Hookers Green)
Then add – Sepia, Ultra Marine Blue, New Gamboge, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna